Saturday, June 30, 2007

And so it begins

My god what have we done !!!
In our infinite wisdom and ignorance. We have started Aidan down the dark and winding path into the sub culture of the Boarders. Perhaps we should call him Aidan Boarder.
Aidan successfully completed Grade 1, apparently there was a 3 hr exam. And a 500 hundred word essay. Man the demands on Grade 1ers have gotten tougher. SO he's going to Grade 2 next year.
In his words "grade is harder because you have to to take away, adding to is EASY taking away is hard-right shane"
I'm going to guess this is some form of high level calculus or trig. Something I failed horribly.

So as a reward for his achievement we got him a skateboard. As you can tell he's quite happy about all this.
Now we're forced into learning a whole new language.
Anyone have any idea what an "olly" is or what a "kick flip" is.

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