Monday, May 21, 2007

Thanks to face book I'm 4 steps away from World Domination

Last night Gill and I were sitting talking about all the crazy-ness surrounding Facebook.
You know, we were laughing about how many people she has been able to find, either by just looking on facebook or by surfing other facebook profiles for people. Then something dawned on me.
Looking at facebook profiles and just how many people are now on facebook.
I had this crazy Idea!
I know many of you have heard the term 6 degrees of separation. SO I decided to see how it applies to facebook and life in general.
To the left is a picture of just one of my connections.
Mind you I some how doubt that the Prime Minister of Canada has a facebook profile, nor do any of the other world leaders. But it is an interesting relationship, Don't ya think.
How it works is like this, and I may not have the whole flow chart thing done incorrectly to accurately illustrate the relationships. But here it is in my terms.
I know gill,
who knows michelle and tim
who know jay and deb
who are the photographers for the PM
who is connected to every other world leader.
So I'm like 4 degrees of separation from Complete World Domination, Pretty cool HUH !!!
Thanks to facebook
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