Monday, September 04, 2006

Childhood board games which did you play with?

My girlfriend and I were reminiscing over dinner about which games we played with as kids.

I had monopoly, scrabble,trivial pursuit. And who can forget GI Joe!!.

I can't quite remember how we came to be talking about this.

Oh I think it was because My girlfriend saw an Oprah episode with the creator of Barbie.

Its crazy how some toys are timeless isnt it!!
If you think about it....What brilliant Marketing genius that went into to some of the toys, to make them the silly insane collectors items that they are. Barbie to just to name one. And I'm sure it is one of the best sellers today. Im sure there are crazy people that have them still in their wrappers as collectors items.
I'm sure if you were to check ebay you'd find ridiculous auction prices for some of our most venerable and venerated toys.

I dont really know which toys are still "in" now? Is Starbucks still selling cranium? I've played that once or twice. Good fun that is too !! How about The Rubics Cube!! Ok Im pushing 40 can you tell. I never could get anymore than 2 sides maybe 3 complete. HAHAHAHA My girlfriends boss, has a ten year old boy who can do the whole thing in like minutes flat. Shit I used to peel off the stckers and cheat !!!
Which toys did you have or still play with. Come one I know there are some of you "grown-up" that still play games!!

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