Monday, August 06, 2007

Be afraid, be very afraid

Ok it's common knowledge that we all have some fear, of one sort or another. Real or imagined we all have fears.
For instance I have 2 fairly irrational fears, fear of heights, I think that if i am on a balcony in a building that I am going to spontaneously fly out over the edge and plunge to my death. Seriously I have this bizarre gut feeling that I am just going to somehow fling off into space, weird HUH.
Then there's The fear of flying(more fear of falling out of the sky in a plane one fire - but that's another story) and electricity, well more getting electrocuted. Ok that was 3.

So I figured I'd layout some of the more common fobias here.

Spiders: Arachnephobia
People and social situations (weird but ok) Anthrophobia
Flying: Aerophobia
Open spaces: Agorafobia
Confined spaces: (stuck in a closet anyone?) Claustrophobia
Vomitting?: Emetobphobia
Heights ( I can relate) Acrophobia
Thunderstorms: Brontophobia Death: Necrophobia
Cancer: Carcinomaphobia

Now for some of the more bizarre Phobias
Ants: Who the hell is that afraid of ants? Myrmecophobia
Bathing: Now I know why some people on the bus are just smelly... Ablutophobia
Beards: Ok my Girlfriend hates my stubble, maybe its Pogonophobia
Chickens: Now this is funny, isnt being afraid coined being "a chicken" Alektorophobia
Chins?: Ok this is just silly, but fair enough... Geniophobia
Dolls: Yeah I get this one, I think dolls just look evil that and clowns, God I think clowns are weird and evil looking So fear of dolls is called Pediophobia
Flutes: Aulophobia
Frogs: (french people? does this count?)Batrachophobia
Going to bed: seriously you have some bad issues.Clinophobia
Knees: Genuphobia
Mirrors: Eisotrophobia
Paper: Papyrophobia
Slime: Stay out the government or lawyers offices? Blennophobia
Teeth: Odontophobia

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