Monday, October 09, 2006

Long weekend, the gatineaus and thanks giving

My god what a busy weekend we had this weekend. We spent the day on saturday trapsing around the market like vagrants, sunday was spent in the gatineaus and monday was spent stressing out over doing dinner for 10 people in our place.
This photo was taken from camp fortune on the ski lift. It was the last weekend of the fall colours. If you find yourself in wake field i highly recommend you go get an ice cream cone from Le Moo. Its a funky little. ice cream parlour with a bajillion flavours Very yummy.

Friday, September 15, 2006

People who consume alcohol earn significantly more at their jobs than non-drinkers,

I was doing a little surfing at just a few minutes ago. And I came across this funny story I thought I would share with you that like a little drinky-poo now and again.

Alcohol use helps boost income: study from

People who consume alcohol earn significantly more at their jobs than non-drinkers, according to a US study published Thursday that highlighted "social capital" gained from drinking.

read the full blurb, its a good one [...]

The who is in town!!! NOT seing them though

Did I mention that The Who is in town tonight here in ottawa. How did that slip my mind, as you can see Im not there. Not that i'm not a huge fan of the who, well actually Im not. I like the CSi theme music though. Just joking I do like the who Just dont want to shell out huge bux for some old dudes in spandex. Ok the 80's rock acts left a bad impression on me. SHUT UP

Have no idea if this will work or not.
You can watch it here if it doesnt work

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dog ate my pot err i mean home work

Yesterday while driving in to work I was listening to live885 there was one particular "new story" I found crazy amusing !!!
Turns out someone in BC had their pot eaten by their dog. Yeah thats right their dog ate their pot!!
Turns out this is quite a problem !! Dogs eating drugs and being rushed to the energency because theyre high !!
I know this sounds kind of mean. But as it turns out if your dog eats your pot you really don't have much to worry about. Just let him sleep it off or run about in a doggy hallucinating haze.
If he eats... lets say your crack on the other hand, well you have a more serious problem.
Kind of makes you wonder why there are SO MANY kinds of dog foods now doesnt it?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Ottawa Senators 15th season starts sept 19th!!!

The Ottawa Senators 15th season starts sept 19 with the Sens in Pittsburg game starts at 6:30 pm.
My god has it been that long since we have had hockey !!!
I can hardly wait another wicked hockey season is just around the corner.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Childhood board games which did you play with?

My girlfriend and I were reminiscing over dinner about which games we played with as kids.

I had monopoly, scrabble,trivial pursuit. And who can forget GI Joe!!.

I can't quite remember how we came to be talking about this.

Oh I think it was because My girlfriend saw an Oprah episode with the creator of Barbie.

Its crazy how some toys are timeless isnt it!!
If you think about it....What brilliant Marketing genius that went into to some of the toys, to make them the silly insane collectors items that they are. Barbie to just to name one. And I'm sure it is one of the best sellers today. Im sure there are crazy people that have them still in their wrappers as collectors items.
I'm sure if you were to check ebay you'd find ridiculous auction prices for some of our most venerable and venerated toys.

I dont really know which toys are still "in" now? Is Starbucks still selling cranium? I've played that once or twice. Good fun that is too !! How about The Rubics Cube!! Ok Im pushing 40 can you tell. I never could get anymore than 2 sides maybe 3 complete. HAHAHAHA My girlfriends boss, has a ten year old boy who can do the whole thing in like minutes flat. Shit I used to peel off the stckers and cheat !!!
Which toys did you have or still play with. Come one I know there are some of you "grown-up" that still play games!!

The croc hunter gets killed by stingray

Crocodile Hunter Steve Hunter dead
I don't know why I find this entertaining. Man I always thought he'd get it by a croc. Have you seen the insane antics of this guy with crocodiles?!!! Its just nuts the things he did.
Turns out he got it from a nasty sting ray.
The whole story can be found on CNN.COM Its a shame really. This lunatic did alot to further the human race's knowledge of crocs. Pity really!!

Why are concert tickets so expensive now?

Can someone please explain to me why concert tickets are so damned expensive? I was going to go see the goo goo dolls then I saw the ticket prices !!! 118$ are they FREEKING NUTS.

Just about a month ago maybe girlfriend went to montreal to see madonna. She paid 250$ for tickets. I personally think thats excessive. Yeah you can justify it to yourself any number of ways its a one time thing, shes not going to be touring for a while in canada. yadda yadda yadda. I'm pretty sure this is the mindset of the promoters to and its the marketing tool that is used.

I absolutely refuse to pay those kinds of prices to see bands.
Last concert I saw was david usher his tickets were 25$ and it was a great show!!!
I think that the first time I noticed the ridiculous concert prices was about 10 years ago when sting came to ottawa his tickets were like 80 bux, then depeche mode came shortly after that. same price range. Whats the deal with that anyways? I read someplace maybe it was in a magazine. Its being called the celebrity factor, or some such non-sense. Yeah ok havent these bands always been celebrities? I personally think its the friggin internet and the download sites. My reasoning goes something like this? They figure you arent going to buy their cd's so they jack up the concert tickets to compensate. Am I off the mark here?
Take james blunt for instance. He came more or less out of no-where... and his tickets are over 200$ INSANE!!! I admit im as guilty as most others for downloading music from limewire. And maybe I am part of the problem. However if I like a band i'll buy the cd.
What are your thoughts on this?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Does smoking pot make you fat?

Dan birthday (drunken free for all) party

This post is a little belated but it is note worthy and rather entertaining. It was a friends of our birthday a while back 2weeks ago to be precise. Dan is his name and a fine fellow he is. For this prestigious event John came up from Houston. Actually john's visit and dans birthday coincided with john having to renew his passport. Ill let the photos speak for themselves needless to say it started out all well, fine and good like the responsible adults we are. Thats dan and his lovely wife chantale, At the Mekong restaurant. If you're ever in Ottawa I highly recommend going there for some great chinese eats!!
This is me and My girlfriend gill. She looks a little psycho in this photo. Cant say why though. Must be john (he's behind the lense) Oh did I mention I had a root canal done the day before. Might be why I look oh so un-impressed. Im pretty sure the tylenol 3's arent helping either. That and the red wine. Oh just a little pointer here for any of you who decide to ingest tylenol 3's DONT DRINK. Man gill looks like a freeking nut. She's going to kill me when she sees I have posted that pic of her. GREAT cleavage though baby !!! I really need to get a better camera. Not that one I have is bad. Ok it sux, yeah it sux.

Heres john and gill. They're long time friends. And some serious partners in crime. I know its a shitty picture. What can I say. It was the redwine and tylenols. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it. So as you can tell so far we started out acting like "adults". You know having pleasant conversation in a quiet stable surrounding. Being very polite. Snifting the redwine and chatting about current events over dinner. Catching up on what we've been doing with ourselves or to ourselves as the case may be. Dan hadnt shown up at this point the pictures arent exactly time line accurate. I think at this point john and gill were on their second bottle of wine. I was on my second glass and feeling numb or dumb or a mix of the two.
Our next step along the yellow brick road was to Milestones. Milestones is a swanky restaurant bar across from the Chateau Laurier on sussex. nice place!! I think its the only bar in Ottawa that serves Bellini's (an adult slushy basically) We had a few drinks to fuel the already burning alcohol fire. Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that we were still rather (well rather they were) well behaved.

See !! we're all well bahaved. Dan is rooting through his blueberry or palm pilot thingy showing us (porn) or rather photos of his kids. I'm sure he's looking at porn arent you dan you nasty dirty dog. Just a little side note here on Milestones it has a great atmosphere. With stunning night views of rideau and sussex , its situated right across from the Chateau Laurier and faces the Old Ottawa train station. I should have gotten off a shot or two, not that they would have turned out any better than any of the other photos. Actually john and gill have a rather funny story about their last trip to milestones. Maybe I'll save that for another day. So we had a few drinky poo's here and then headed for the Dom ( the dominion pub) for those of you who are unfamiliar with Market speak. John's bro works there (peaches is his nic-name?) I some how doubt their mom named him peaches but thats the only name I know him by.
The Dom is a colourful Market bar for the Alternative crowd, welfare bums and young hipsters in Ottawa. It has a very unique atmosphere rooted deep in Ottawa history . I think other than the other tavern, The laff ( chateau Lafeyette) it is one of the oldest taverns in the market. I would say that it has a large student crowd (ottawa Uniersity) though all the bars are filled with the university crowd. So I may be off on this. We stopped in at the Dom for a drink or two and so john could say hi to his bro. I think John is addicted to the laff. I notice his blood pressure goes up when we spend too much time away from there and he obsessively watches his watch until we get there. Hahahaha silly fool john. It wasnt until this point that things started to go horribly astray. Well maybe they went as they were supposed to go but then again I wasnt drinking all that much so I had a vastly different view of the events as they unfolded. SO fromt he laff we fell next door into the waiting arms of the Zaphod beeble brox. Another very cool retro-sexual hang out. I swear to god when I walked in there that I was in a grunge video shoot. Can you tell I dont get out much. Oh that and the carpet is spungy sticky underfoot.
This guy gets the award for the best rock star hair. I just cannot imagine a guy spending hours getting his hair looking like that with all the spikes heading in the right direction. North as the case maybe. Compass head. Dan you aughta employ this guy as a personal gps tracking assistant. I'd hang with this guy if I were lost , at least I'd always know which way north was. I was wondering for a bit while staring in awe at him if he had had a colission with a skunk and a porcupine, ok that's mean I know but really!!! look at all the stripes !!! I'm pretty sure that his get up is totally intentional. Everything is all lined up (pardon the pun) very geometric !!!
And then theres the piece de resistance. Actually it was funny quip from john. He runs up to me while Im out side avoiding having to listen to prince and having a smoke. And he spouts off. "i'm going to kill some guy, you know how packed it is in there?!! I was trying to get out through the crowd and I stepped on some guys foot and he says to me below his breath but loud enough so I could hear it " dude that was my foot , I'm wearing sandals!" hahahaha what kind of idiot wears sandals to a crowded night club like zaphods and complains that his foot was stepped on?!!
Now whats funny about this is the manner in which john describes this event to me Quote" Ok lets look at the plan view ( did I mention john is an engineer) I laughed but he wasnt having any of it he really wanted to give me the plan view of the events as they unfolded"
At one point john dissapeared from the radar. Gill in her alcohol fueled state freaked and yelped OH MY GOD WHERE'S JOHN!!! Being the good shepherd that I am I had my eyes on these knuckle heads making sure they werent in all kinds of trouble. So I point to the other side of the bar.
So the night went on in that kind of crazy vein the three of them had consumed 6 too many Jager bombs each!! (I say the three of them Because chantal(e)? wasn't drinking either , she was dans DD- such a good wife you have dan !!!) I would have fed you to the wolves long ago hahahaha. Though I confess I was doing the DD thing myself. Gill is a ranting lunatic when she drinks but gotta love her other ummm how do we say it "other fine qualities"
So to top off the night here is one final pic which really speaks volumes for the how the evening went. I was trying to get a nice shot of dan and his wife chantale, Because well as you've probabbling noticed I really only have one other picture of her and dan and the rest shes strangly absent from them. Feast your eyes on this One John... you're looking really good dude. I should really send this one to your boss. I'm sure you'd never hear the end of it.
I odnt why I have this impression or mental image But dude you have this moby david burns tragically hip thing going on.
Any ways it was an interesting and fun night

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Diet coke and mentos Experiment

Gotta love what dorks do to themselves. Good thing I saw the final out because I was seriously considering trying this for my lil monster. You know to give him a gag. Pardon the pun

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Nelsons wedding

Nelson and Colin's wedding was yesterday!

The picture is kind of bad. Must of been the humidity!

The gang from scissors was there as were the families and all the friends !!

The part happened back at the novotel. Unfortunately the pictures of those are just black. Guess gill forgot the flash for indoor settings. Silly girl.

It think this would be the 3rd or 4rth gay wedding in Ottawa? Not too sure actually.

It actually co-incides with gay pride day the parade kick off was last night. SO that would make the parade today.

From what gill says Nelson and Colin are going to be on a float? Ok I stand corrected the parade is next week. And They've been asked to be at the front of the parade.

Sad really that there's such a stigma and over blown over politicized view of the gay community. Nelson and Colin are great people!!!

Subscribe to Squeeky Mental Machinery

Thursday, August 17, 2006

morning prayer

Ok so this morning i woke up a little late its already 7 am and im still not ready to go. gill is just drying her hair, aidan is just getting up to. nice way to start the morning isnt it. Gonna be late for today. Oh well. So here I sit slurping on a java and I look at my coffee cup.
Here's what it says:
The prayer of Jabez
"Oh that you (yea) cant tell it's kind of scratched out. would wonderfully bless me
and HELP ME in my work
please BE WITH ME in ALL that I do
and KEEP ME from ALL evil and disaster
And GOD granted him his request.

Kind of funny aint it.
I think Im going to need some devine intervention today to make it through today.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gill went to a bachelor party

Gillers went to a bachelor party for a gay friend of hers (nelson) He's her dresser. She worked for him for quite some time a few years back and still keeps in touch. Check out of the photos. Funny if you ask me. !!!


And this is nelson and christopher.

Love the shades dude !!!

So their wedding (not nelson and christopher), but nelson and colin, is this weekend. August 19 06.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Heat wave is done !! Finally

Finally the heat has let up!!
I actually had to wear a sweater last night. Weird I know but i was chilly.
You're going to hate me for saying this but I think that Fall is on its way!
I love the fall!!. I love the summer too ,don't get me wrong, but the humidity is just aweful. Really it is. Everything and everybody sweats. Tempers flare. Its just bad all around isnt it. I suspect how ever that we're in for another heat wave.
You know there has got to be a place on planet earth where the weather is a constant 18-25 degrees. How did you deal with the heat and humidity?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I hate my alarm clock

SHUT UP!! you wining snivelling needy attention deficit piece of stupid technology

Monday, August 07, 2006

Lemon Bomb Martini

As promised from a prior posting here's the recipe for our infamous Lemon Bomb Martini
Rim the glass with a piece of Lemon.
Dip the glass in Sugar.
2 lemons squeezed (freshly)
2 Shots of vodka
2 tablespoons of sugar.

Mine is pink because my gilfriend is playing with my head.

It should be yellow!!

Ottawa Busker Festival August 2006

The Busker festival is in Ottawa this long weekend. It's Colonel by day apparently.

Good enough reason for a holiday I suppose!! Theres a wide array of performers from all over the planet performing their tricks and acts for the public on the Sparks Street mall here in Ottawa.

The guy on the left there is from San francisco California !! Pretty cool huh!!! I cant say I caught his name, though he was pretty good !!!

This pair of acrobats are from Japan! They performed a great act of balance and shows of strength.

You can't tell from the photo here but the tiny little japanese girl perched perilously on top of her counter parts hands is just cut muscle and sinew.

They also did this awesome rope twirling act with balls on the end of the rope as well as using some kids shoes from the audience. Nothing like audience particip-action. I'll post the majority of the photos to my Flickr account. For your viewing pleasure. Oh there some other gems in there. Last I checked. Ok back to the show !!!

These Guys and gals? Didnt catch where they were from!!

Very reminicent of STOMP but with brooms, what a great Idea !!!

I wonder if they do apt cleaning!!

I came towards the end of their show. Shux !!! guess it all worked out, wouldnt want my girlriend to think "real men use brooms"

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Drinking at a public pool is never a good idea (just Pool-ing Around)

SO there I was, just minding my own business in the pool when all of a sudden WHAMMO I'm getting hauled out on a stretcher spinal (tap) back board and getting first aid by some pool dudes and dudettes. Who would have known!!!

No seriously. They were doing a drill and happened to pick me as the victim for their pool clearing and first aid excercise. Was fun ... sort of.

See the story goes like this. I was sunning myself with my girlfriend. (wish I were drinking lemon drop martini's, I'll get the recipe and for a future posting) And two of the lifeguards approach me to ask if I would like to participate in a drill (cute but way young).
Simple enough and I'm always willing to help out!! Hey I'm a canuck its what we do, I was instructed to go dive off of the diving board at 3:10 pm. and play dead in the pool. Umm ok play dead in water? hahahaha ok Im a dork and agreed to this.
So thats what I did. Dove off of the board and started "floating" face down.
While Im doing this I'm hoping all the guards are in on this shenanigan. NOT. I freeking flaundered there as long as I could hold my breath for then came up for air a few times. It wasn't until my girlfriend yelped "LIFE GAURD" that they jumped into action.
Hahahah what a drama I put on though, struggling for air and slapping at the water.
Was all in good fun and it was a helpful drill for them. Next time ? maybe not though...

Not off to the cottage

Not off to the cottage this weekend, unfortunately. We got stuck in town for the long weekend this time 'round. However we did get to go check out the busker festival here in ottawa too bad I was an idiot and didnt get any pictures of the Japanese Samurai busker dude. "its AMAZING" was his coined phrase with a heavy Japanese accent of course.

So it looks like were heading off to the local community pool with the Monster.


It always makes for an interesting time. He has a flare for the ladies. (atta boy) You'll always find him floating about near a hottie. G/f is gonna hate me for writing this but it is TRUE.

Right at the moment we're sitting for a friend of ours (another 5 yr old boy and his sister) so its freaking insane here at the moment. Thank god we're getting them out of the house this afternoon or I'd wind up hiding the store room behind our winter tires. With a case of beer for good measure.

Well we're out for the afternoon. Have a great long weekend everyone.!!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Labels on the strangest things but not on others

You wouldnt think you'd have to tell people this eh?
Its a bottle of water !!!
What did you think you were buying? Its not rocket science people. Theres nothing nutritional in water. Theres no hidden chemicals that'll turn your skin green or cause you to foam at the mouth like a rabid dog. It's water W-A-T-E-R water
Actually I went and looked in our fridge to see if a bottle of woody's cooler we have in there had a label like this. Much to my surprise (not really) there wasn't one.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Megadeth is still alive and on tour

Holy crap.. I just found out Mega Deth is still alive and on tour here in canada. Strange first post i know but really that is weird