Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The thirty day challenge

If you're looking to to make money blogging you should really check out the thirty day challenge.
Go sign up its free and you'll get a mind numbing amount of great information about how to choose a niche how to do keyword research the right way how to use web 2.0 to get

SO far using this technique I have a few tumblr blogs
using the 30dc method.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Gill had PRK photorefractive keratectomy

photorefractive keratectomy
Today Gill went down to the Lasik MD Vision eye center here in Ottawa and had her photorefractive keratectomy better known as PRK. We went down to the lasik eye center at 9 am and were there until roughly 1 pm. Most of that time was spent waiting and consulting with the optometrists and the assistant to dr Agapitos.
SO it all goes is like this.
1.) You go for your assessment where they look at your eyeballs and do a topography map to determine if you're a good candidate for the lasik procedure. During this process you're given an eye exam.
2.) The optometrist goes over the results of the exam with you and shows you your topography and explains what is going to happen and how the Lasik or in Gills case how the photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) procedure works. What happened with gill is that the optometrist took her results to the doctor and then came back with her having to do the prk because her cornea was too thin to do the Lasik procedure.
3.) You meet with the assistants and they explain the procedure to you and go over the eye drops you'll be given according to which procedure you'll be doing.
4.) Then you wait some more.
5.) You get the procedure. Takes all of 10 minutes. Seriously thats all it takes and according to gill she spent more time in the operating room waiting for the doctor to calibrate his laser than she did actually under the laser.
6.) you get out and put on some dark shades, you meet the assistant again she handles any questions and explains the drops and post op eye care once again.
7.) You go have a seat for an hour and then see the optometrist once again for a send home exam and off you go with new eyesight and a considerable amount of discomfort.

Gill describes the eye discomfort after the PRK as having acid being poured in your eyes.

But she said after walking walking out onto the street WOW I can See!!
So yes Lasik eye surgery is just like you hear in the commercials

Monday, August 06, 2007

Be afraid, be very afraid

Ok it's common knowledge that we all have some fear, of one sort or another. Real or imagined we all have fears.
For instance I have 2 fairly irrational fears, fear of heights, I think that if i am on a balcony in a building that I am going to spontaneously fly out over the edge and plunge to my death. Seriously I have this bizarre gut feeling that I am just going to somehow fling off into space, weird HUH.
Then there's The fear of flying(more fear of falling out of the sky in a plane one fire - but that's another story) and electricity, well more getting electrocuted. Ok that was 3.

So I figured I'd layout some of the more common fobias here.

Spiders: Arachnephobia
People and social situations (weird but ok) Anthrophobia
Flying: Aerophobia
Open spaces: Agorafobia
Confined spaces: (stuck in a closet anyone?) Claustrophobia
Vomitting?: Emetobphobia
Heights ( I can relate) Acrophobia
Thunderstorms: Brontophobia Death: Necrophobia
Cancer: Carcinomaphobia

Now for some of the more bizarre Phobias
Ants: Who the hell is that afraid of ants? Myrmecophobia
Bathing: Now I know why some people on the bus are just smelly... Ablutophobia
Beards: Ok my Girlfriend hates my stubble, maybe its Pogonophobia
Chickens: Now this is funny, isnt being afraid coined being "a chicken" Alektorophobia
Chins?: Ok this is just silly, but fair enough... Geniophobia
Dolls: Yeah I get this one, I think dolls just look evil that and clowns, God I think clowns are weird and evil looking So fear of dolls is called Pediophobia
Flutes: Aulophobia
Frogs: (french people? does this count?)Batrachophobia
Going to bed: seriously you have some bad issues.Clinophobia
Knees: Genuphobia
Mirrors: Eisotrophobia
Paper: Papyrophobia
Slime: Stay out the government or lawyers offices? Blennophobia
Teeth: Odontophobia

Tags: ,

Monday, July 30, 2007

Facebook to be shut down due to 4 yr old lawsuit

Recently theres been some buzz about the feed lines about the facebook lawsuit apparently this "lawsuit" is like 4 yrs old. Man alot has happened with the founder Mark Zuckerberg since that time. The rumor mill has it that its going to be shutdown until the dust settles
Heres how it all began:

Before he launched Facebook at Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg worked for two brothers on a project called HarvardConnect.com that also wanted to connect students and alumni. you can get the full story on that little dirty trick from Venture Beat (the lawsuit that wouldn't go away)
The lawsuit as I mentioned goes back 4 years. Because of a joint venture project that went the wrong way. The project that Zuckerberg and his partners were working was called ConnectU.

ConnectU.com, which was started by twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra, has accused thefacebook.com founder Mark Zuckerberg of basing his site on their original project. The suit was filed Sept. 2 in a Massachusetts federal court.

As a sophomore at Harvard University, Zuckerberg wrote the code for ConnectU.com, formerly a project by the student founders called HarvardConnection.com.

"Basically, the idea behind the Web site, the original aspect, bringing social networking to the college level at various (campuses) ... that's what he took while claiming to do work for us," said Narendra, who graduated with his fellow founders last spring. Source for this 4 yr old story is The GW hatchet (facebook faces lawsuit)
And finally some judge is trying to call it quits between the Hatfield and McCoys. Come on boy just kiss and make up or at least pay one another to go away.

A U.S. judge on Wednesday gave a group of former Harvard students two weeks to back up their claims that Facebook Inc.'s founder stole their ideas to create the fast-growing social networking Web site.....

U.S. District Judge Douglas Woodlock said in court the former Harvard students may be using the lawsuit as a ploy to extract a settlement from Facebook, and pressed their lawyer to produce evidence of a commercial arrangement with Zuckerberg.

"Dorm room chitchat does not make a contract, so I want to see it," Woodlock told the courtroom in Boston. Judge sets deadline in facebook lawsuit

Ok in all seriousness. Isn't this what all great moguls do. Steal other people ideas and claim the glory. Um Microsoft did. All the robber barons of the of the high rolling 80's stock market frenzy did.
So he embelished on an idea and made it better, maybe he had a bigger dream than his partners did. I'll tell you what , he sure as hell is raking in all the dough, and I'll bet when all the dust settles that this is what this pissing contest is all about.
However Facebook according to the conspiracy theorists (see my post and video on the facebook conspiracy)is pretty well connected and deeply entrenched in the establishment. Would it just be a surprise if these ex-partners of his got like abducted by aliens and were wisked away to area 51 or something stupid like that.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Star Trek has a new spock

New Star Trek movie and a new Spock

Holy cow am I excited!!! Those of you that know me know that I love Star Trek, yes I am a Trekkie. Well the news good or not depending on who you ask is that Star Trek has a new spock for their up coming new star trek movie.

From Star Trek .com:
(July 26,2007) at Comic-Con in San Diego, J.J. Abrams and his creative team have revealed new artwork for the second teaser poster. The lettering may be familiar -- and once again we get an Original Series look -- but this time the logo is inverted, and is written with starry letters, all on a white background. You can see a larger version by clicking here.

But that's not all! Confirming once again that this is a Kirk/Spock story, the casting kicks off with the announcement of Zachary Quinto as "Spock," who was joined at the presentation by the original himself, Leonard Nimoy. For the record, Nimoy will be donning the ears once more as well, confirming a storyline that would include both a young Spock and his older self.

Read the complete story here.
But of course the Trek fans will be kept in the dark I suspect until release date, which looks to be in 2008, or until some insider leaks more info and perhaps a synopsis of the new movie in the web-o-sphere. But you can guess it has something to do with the old series, or will be referencing an earlier period in the star trek universe, because Zach Quinto will be playing a young spock.
OOOOOHHHH I cant wait

Friday, July 20, 2007

Britney strips naked at a malibu beach

Britney strips naked at a malibu beach

In another stunnnnnning career move it appears as though Britney Spears is taking tips from prison err I mean Paris Hiltons agent and decides to get naked at a Malibu beach.
Britney Spears pulled over to a Malibu beach yesterday afternoon, stripped down to her underwear, and then jumped around in the ocean. Because, you know, why wouldn't she? This is basically the only way she knows how to get attention. She could tell everybody she was carrying a bomb and it'd be more subtle than this. source The superficial

Top 5 Facebook Apps and add ons

The top 5 Facebook Apps and Add ons

Heres a good one for all you Facebook (crackbook) Addicts
Earlier this May, Facebook opened up their code so anyone would be able to develop their own Facebook applications.

Sure enough a short time after , everyone from big companies to regular Joes were all over this, building tiny apps and embedding them in users' profiles.

Some are good and some suck ass, So Wired News asked their readers readers to vote for the Facebook apps they like the best. from wired news: Here, in reverse order, are the results of our reader poll, along with our own take on each of the winners. You'll need to be logged in as a Facebook user to access the applications through the links below.

Calendar by 30 Boxes
This offering from makers of the popular calendar web app 30 Boxes lets you manage all your Facebook-related dates right on your profile. Keep track of birthdays, concerts, assignments and other events relative to your online life, and share those events with your Facebook friends. If you're a 30 Boxes user, you can sync your calendars and add events either in Facebook or at the 30 Boxes site. But it also wins just because the clean, Ajax-powered interface makes for the coolest and easiest to use online calendar for Facebook.

Track your musical tastes with this app from social-music-discovery site iLike. Once you add the app, you can add songs and videos from favorite bands to your profile page. Don't expect anything too avant garde -- iLike is made for the mainstream. You can also list the concerts you plan to attend, which makes hooking up with friends at shows easier. But the real draw here is iLike's musical Challenge game. It starts playing a clip, and you have to identify the artist or the song title. Compete for points and show off your score. Is that Prince or Michael Jackson? "Skater Boi" or "Girlfriend"? The guessing game alone makes the app worth adding.

Where I've Been
With Craig Ulliott's tiny app, you can put a map of the world on your profile and mark up the places you've lived or visited. Part travel diary and part bragging rights, the map is well-designed: Countries or states you've visited show up in blue. If you've lived there, the place is marked as red. If it's on your list of places you wish to visit, it's green.

A Wired News reader favorite, and it's no wonder considering how dead simple this one is. Put Graffiti on your page and your friends can leave messages or draw pictures. Unlike other note-leaving apps, like Your Wall, Graffiti lets people be creative and colorful. One of your friends just might reveal herself to be the next Georgia O'Keefe.

Free Gifts
As bizarre as it may sound, Free Gifts is an app that lets you send and receive gifts from friends. The gifts are worthless and silly -- a panda bear, a pineapple, a roll of duct tape, a pink elephant in a business suit. But as creator Zachary Allia writes, "It's the thought that counts." Show the world how much your friends love you by displaying the last four gifts you received on your profile page.

Honesty Box
Put an Honesty Box on your profile page and people can leave anonymous messages for you, anything from "You're dreamy" to "You have bad breath." Blue text means it's from a man, pink posts are from a woman -- other than that, it's totally anonymous. The person leaving the note doesn't have to be signed in to Honesty Box or have it on their page. It's a whiteboard on your front door -- a brutally eye-opening whiteboard.
My favourite Facebook application add on is by Chris Pearson of Pearsonified.com done for his celebrityhack.com
It's called Celebrity pics it gives you a daily celebrity pic of some dumbass celeb doing something well... dumbass

if this doesnt scare the tinfoil hat crew out there then maybe this facebook conspiracy theory will

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gill gets lost in facebook

While im on a rant about facebook I thought it might be funny to document Gill getting lost on facebook. She sits behind me on her laptop and talks to herself while facebooking it.
What funny about this is she has like 9 million facebook friends and I always hear her madly clicking away at the mouse. SO when I ask her what shes doing she says something along the lins of I cant find so and so or where did i see so and so. I cant find them. Too funny shes getting lost in facebook, maybe facebook should have like a google map feature to let you know where in facebook you are.

Facebook conspiracy theory

The facebook conspiracy theory

Heres something all you facebook addicts will just love.
As well as all you tinfoil hat conspiracy theory junkies

I personally think this chick needs to get out a little more, you know have a few drinks go bowling, eat a pound of raw bacon on a dare, play some strip poker under the influence of dark rum.
I swear to god I am going to start a blog called tinfoil hats
I mean seriously who the fuck cares. Do you have credit card, a bank account, a social insurance number a drivers liscence, oh noooooo its uncle bill. Quick run hide buy a gun and excercise your 5 th amendment or what ever bowling for columbine right gives you the god given to carry a gun and go go blow away the governement.
Me I'm gonna go eat some popcorn and drink some beer with my GST check

The worlds Fastest insects

The worlds fastest Insects

The worlds 4 fastest insects

A few nights ago the little monster (our 6 year old boy Aidan) was quizzing me about insects. You know the usual interrogation you get from an inquiring 6 year old mind.
He was wanting to know what are the fastest insect s on the world (his words-not my bad grammar).
So here we have it.
The worlds fastest 4 insects.
I was pretty blown away when I looked in a few books to find these facts.

The world fastest insects in order
1.) The Dragon fly. It can zip along at 20.0 mph, 32.o km/hr
2.) The Hornet 13.39 mph, 21.5 km/hr
3.) The Horse fly 8.93 mph, 14.3 km/hr. I wouldn't have thought this was one of them, though they do freaking move like the wind when you try to KILL them because they bite Hard and leave huge welts on your ankles. I'm quite convinced that they live in the bottom of canoes
4.) The Bee 11.0 mph, 18.0 km/hr

Did you know that a bee could travel 4 million miles (6.5 million km's) on the energy it it would obtain from 1 gallon (4.5 liters) of nectar.

Monday, July 16, 2007

What is lasik Eye surgery

What is lasik eye surgery.
For thos of you who don't my gillers is going under the lasik in august. So I was a litttle curious what all the hype over lasik is.

The 'lasik' in lasik eye surgery stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis. Lasik eye surgery is a procedure using what is called an excimer laser, which permanently changes the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the clear covering of the front of the eye.

Before we look at the benefits lasik eye surgery, there are certain people that are not good candidates for this procedure. If you have required a change in you glasses or contact lens prescription in the last year, lasik eye surgery is probably not for you. As a rule of thumb, people that meet certain conditions are considered unqualified for lasik eye surgery. There are people in the early 20's or younger, people with diabetes, pregnant women and people taking medications that cause fluctuations in their vision.

If however, you do not fit any of the above problem groups, then this might be the best thing that ever happened to your eyes. One patient said, "After wearing contact lenses for 35 years, you can't imagine the freedom I felt". Those sentiments are echoed by most patients after lasik eye surgery.

Most common eye disorder, near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism can be corrected with laser eye surgery. The American Academy of Ophthalmology in San Francisco says that lasik eye surgery is fast becoming the most technologically advanced method available. The Food and Drug Administration first approved the excimer laser in October 1995. From then on, techniques and procedures for lasik eye surgery have been improved upon.

Lasik eye surgery is specifically used to correct near-sightedness. Other laser procedures are used to correct other vision problems. With lasik eye surgery, the skill of the physician performing the operation is crucial and critical. That is because an incision is made during the lasik eye surgery. You need to find a practitioner who has extensive training and wide experience before you choose the lasik eye surgery procedure. Approximately 80,000 lasik eye surgery procedures are performed every year and that number is growing annually.

The after-effects of their lasik eye surgery are minimal under normal conditions. The patient may be sensitive to light for a few days. Usually people go back to work in one to three days. Here is a checklist put out by the FDA if you are considering lasik eye surgery. Learn what you are getting into, find the best and most experienced doctor in your area, and fully understand the risks and benefits before you consult to the lasik eye surgery.

Are flat panel monitors really neccesary

A flat panel monitor is really not essential for most computer applications, because, well frankly, any old monitor will do. All your really need from your computer monitor is the resolution to word process, honestly, unless you are some kind of super gamer, or perhaps an artist or graphics engineer. However, a flat panel monitor can be nice and make your computering experience more pleasant by far. First of all, it takes up much less power than a normal monitor, (also known as a crt monitor) so a flat panel monitor can greatly improve your computering experience by decreasing your electric power consumption. Second of all, there is a subtle distortion provided by normal crt monitors which you don't get with flat panel monitors. Your normal old standby crt monitor has a curved screen, and although your mind has been carefully trained to edit it out through hours and hours of fixedly staring at the computer screen, nonetheless, it does cause eyestrain which can be avoided with a flat panel monitor.

You won't really understand the difference until you try a flat panel monitor, so I suggest just trying it – read my post about my flat panel monitor your eyes will thank you, and then you will have to track me down and thank me. A flat panel monitor just has a clearer image, and that is that. It doesn't distort, and besides that, the colors are more even and there isn't the flicker of a normal monitor. You are trained to edit out the flicker too, but believe me. It is there, and you will notice the absence of it when looking at your beautiful new monitor.

Also, since so many people look at movies on their computer, if you are one of them, (and I know I am), it absolutely makes sense to buy a flat panel monitor. It just makes the image prettier, and the experience more enjoyable. Especially with the lights out, any distortion can cause vertigo and discomfort, so for your own viewing enjoyment, how can you go without a flat panel monitor.

Another reason for a flat panel monitor, although probably not the biggest reason for most of us, is that it saves space. It lacks the size of a normal monitor – not only the screen, but also the body of a flat panel monitor are flat. This means you can fit it in a smaller space, or can have more room on your desk for other things such as books or amusing office executive toys such as wheels that spin up and down ramps indefinitely.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tim Hortons inspired Car doors

How cool is this? Doors that roll up like the rim on a Tim Hortons cup.
Gotta love being Canadian eh,
Ok so check this out This Lincoln Mark VIII with has roll away doors!!

Or Chek out this car with the freaky ass doors doing the mambo to some R and B

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Teach your kids to multiply with this cool grid trick

So now that I have a 6 year old boy, gill and I were talking about what its going to like when he hits high school and starts doing Friginometry and calculus. I don't know about you but I was horrible at both of those, never could figure even why I would want to have to figure it out, go figure that one eh.
So we were thinking maybe start brushing up on our math skills in preparation for that horrid day when the home work comes home. You know do a math course or what ever.
NAH F8ck that just google it!!
So we or rather I did, Now this is why I LOVE GOOGLE so much. Its stupidly helpful, and always provides relevant results for your search queries

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cameron Diaz plays hide the sausage with criss angel

Cameron Diaz Gives Justin timberlake the boot
So it appears as though Justing Timberlake is outta the picture, can you blame Cameron? Seriously..... I guess Justin just couldn't bring sexy to Cameron Diaz the way Criss angel does.
I guess there isnt going to be any summer love for Justin Timberlake is there.
I think he's just jealous that Cameron is doing the magic thing and making Criss Angels sausage disappear

Friday, July 06, 2007

150 online video tools and resources

150 online video tools and resources

Online video is a huge trend - so huge that’s it’s proving hard to keep track. From video sharing sites to video mixers, mashups and converters, we’ve brought together more than 150 of our favorite sites in this category. Enjoy. Source mashable.com

Live Video Communications


Stickam - The best site for live video communications with multiple people. There is no major competition for Stickam just yet.
Blogtv - Blogtv is a recent discovery to the public. It allows you to do a live video show, and you can stream it live, as well as archive it for later use.
ooVoo - This allows you to carry on video conversations with live video through a Skype-like program.
Mogulus - This site is basically an all in one broadcast solution for video. You can create, edit, and add things similar to broadcast companies could add.
Ustream - Allows you to stream live video and you can also embed the player in to your own website.
HeyCosmo - A downloadable application that allows you to connect with other people in many ways, even play games and more.
Operator11 - Go live with your camera and create your own channels. You can also send video comments and remix your videos.

Online Video How-to

Make internet TV

Better YT Video Quality - This guide helps you with getting the best possible video quality on YouTube, can be applied to other sites as well.
Make Internet TV - This guide has step-by-step instructions for shooting, editing, and publishing videos on the Internet.
How to put your readers at the scene - A scene-setting guide for online web journalists.
Tips for shooting better online video - learn the equipment, shooting and editing basics from this collection of tips.
Online video tips - a Squidoo lens with several useful online video shooting and editing tips.
Home video tips - Chris Pirillo’s tips for shooting better videos at home.
Camcorderinfo - Every online video comes from a camcorder, so here is the best place to get opinions on your next camcorder purchase.
5 Ways To Create a Great Video Podcast - A great article that applies to both video podcasts and video production in general.

Online Video Editors


Eyespot - add effects and transitions to the videos you upload, or use some of the large amount of free video clips and music from Eyespot’s media partners.
MuveeMix - Upload your movie, mix it with music, add cool effects and share it on MySpace, Friendster, Blogger, and other networks.
Motionbox - This service features the ability to link to a very specific point or “segment” within the clip itself.
Cuts - Insert sound effects in your videos, add captions, loop the best parts and in minutes you can share your creation with the world.
JumpCut - a free service that enables you to upload, edit and share your videos. Offers keyframe-based editing, effects, transitions and actions.
VideoEgg - A video editing platform that you can add to create a social network and offers opportunities for monetization.
Mojiti - Select videos from popular video sharing sites, personalize them with your annotations and share them with others.
Photobucket - Edit videos within a browser using Flash and remix photos and home videos with other elements, such as music, video captions and transitions.
StashSpace - Upload, store and edit your videos online. You can also record videos directly from your camcorder or digital camera.
BubblePly - Video annotating service where anyone can add text bubbles that are synchronized with video.
Veotag - Service that lets you display clickable text, called “veotags,” within an audio or video file.
Vidavee Grafitti - add graphics and text into any video; the service is called a “legal form of artful vandalism” by the creators.
Vmix - Vmix is a community and a hosting provider for your videos, aimed at creative authors who want to create remixes of their music and videos.
MovieMasher - a combination of a video editor with a timeline and lots of various effects, a standalone player and a media browser.
MixerCast - Mix your media with professional video, images, music, and network your MixerCast everywhere.
Fliptrack - Make a free musical photo slideshow and music video. It’s easy to do and you do it online.

Online Video Converters


Zamzar - converts all sorts of file formats, including several video formats.
Media Convert - a media converter with a huge amount of options; resulting videos can sometimes be out of sync with audio.
Vixy - a simple converter that can only convert Flash apps from the web to several other video formats.
Hey Watch! - an online video converter focusing on file formats that works on portable multimedia devices, like the iPod.
MediaConverter - a video converter that can be slow and needs polishing, but can sometimes yield really good results.
Movavi - another video converter that allows you to upload videos and convert them to formats you wish to use.

Video sharing


YouTube - YouTube is the king of the video sharing sites, it has more users and videos than the others. Any video you can think of it probably already on YouTube.
Google Video - Since Google bought YouTube, Google’s Video player is mainly used for for-pay content like TV shows. Also there is a search here that indexes all of the video sharing sites on the internet (well, most of them).
Blip.tv - Blip.tv is the perfect video sharing site for video podcast makers. It’s designed to let them easily upload all types and qualities of media and then send them to their feed for the users. They also let you add ads to you video so you can make some money.
Ourmedia - A great site where you can upload audio, video, images, and text and share them with the world. The OurMedia community contains over 100,000 members.
Veoh - Watch long form, television quality content and publish your own videos.
DailyMotion - Video sharing platform with multiple video search options. You can join groups of people who publish videos based on a common interest.
Metacafe - A site that helps you discover the best videos through a community that filters, reviews and rates new videos every day.
UnCut - Video uploading and sharing community by AOL. Embed all the videos you want in your blog.
ClipShack - video sharing community that allows you to upload video clips, make friends, keep a collection of your favorite videos and comment on clips.
5min - Video sharing site with a particular vision: collecting videos that can visually explain anything in 5 minutes.
Brightcove - Search, click and watch. Music videos, news, travel, recipes, adventure. Thousands of channels, including the best in online video.
Viddler - Viddler lets add tags and comments to video that will show up at specific times. It also has unique features like flickr and twitter integration.
Revver - The first video sharing site that provides users with the possibility to earn money from the videos they upload.
Vimeo - Vimeo is a video sharing site that has an emphasis on it’s users. The video’s you find there are more likely to be home movies or shorts by aspiring film makers, and also a lot of lip dubs.
Yahoo Video - Yahoo’s version of online video. Similar to Google video, but done the Yahoo way.
HelpfulVideo - Share your knowledge and skills with others for free or little charge via video clips.
BroadbandSports - A video sharing site specifically for sharing sports related videos.
Travelistic - A video sharing site that allows users to post video content specific to travel.
Livevideo - Video sharing site that lets you create personal channels. Upload your own videos and share them with the world.
Kewego - A video sharing network where you can upload your own videos and view videos by others.
Godtube - It’s a Christian version of YouTube. All things Christian welcomed.
Coull.tv - An interactive twist to video, this site allows you to view video and add interactive elements to it by using your mouse.
Mediabum - Video sharing site focusing on funny videos.
VMIX - Another video sharing website; All content is screened, so be sure everything you upload is legit.
Grouper - Video sharing site with a big selection of content; enables you to create playlists and easily upload videos to MySpace.
Break - Break is a video site and more for comedic based content.
Videosift - a Digg-like site which lets you submit, vote, and comment on videos.
GeeVee - GeeVee is a video sharing site specifically for sharing videos of game play in video games.
Stage6 - A video site that uses the Divx player so you can upload High Definition video, of course this also means longer upload times, and you need DivX support (usually a browser plugin).
Tube Battle - vote for the best videos, organized by category.

Video hosting


TinyPic - Host videos and images for free; it is possible to upload videos in the most popular formats and link videos on MySpace, eBay, blogs and message boards
Vidilife - Upload videos and store them online. There is no limit in terms of length of the files you can upload.
Dropshots - Good site that lets you upload videos, share them and embed them on other sites.
ZippyVideos - Upload and store video files (maximum 20 MB) in the most popular video formats.
Supload - Free service to host video clips and images. Maximum video file size allowed is 20 MB.
Rupid - Another provider of free video hosting: you can host your videos and share them with others.
Pixilive - Free images and video hosting for MySpace, eBay, Facebook and other sites. Maximum size for videos is 10 MB.
Mydeo - store and stream your videos online. You will be able to embed a video on any website and send streaming video messages .
YourFileHost - Upload files anonymously and share them with others. You can upload any file format up to 25 MB.

Video organization and management


Aggrega - create and organize your own music video channels and share them with others.
Feedbeat - a fantastic service that lets you create playlists with videos from different sources - YouTube, Google Video and others. Each playlist gets its own subdomain on feedbeat.net.
Ajaxilicious - an online movie catalogue which enables you to manage your movies and share them with others via RSS.
Cliproller - create custom video channels and add as many as you like to your personal Cliproller page.
CozmoTV - CozmoTV is a site that allows you to create and organize channels of video already existing online.

Vidcasts & vlogging


BlogCheese - a simple way to create and share a video blog - all you need is a webcam.
Revision3 - A video podcasting network that’s home to many well made video podcasts, including Diggnation, which is Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht’s video podcast about the top stories on Digg.
Jabbits - Social video blogging: Use your webcam to record your Post or Jab with an easy-to-use recorder.
Ask a Ninja - got questions? Ask a ninja! One of the most popular vidcasts in the world, and definitely the funniest.
Galacticast - a weekly Sci-fi comedy podcast, episodes usually consists of lots of really geeky parodies.
Scriggity - A news podcast, where the viewers send in the news that they think should be on the shows.
SuperDeluxe - A site to find videos that focus mainly on comedic content.
DL.TV - Some of the the old TechTV crew back at it again with their own own show on all things tech. One of the best video podcasts for tech geeks.
Webnation - Amber Mac’s bi-weekly video podcast with news and interviews relating to current events in the tech world.
Tom Green’s the Channel - A daily video podcast that is recorded live and is hosted by Tom Green. He usually has a celebrity guest on the show.
GeekBrief TV - a daily podcast hosted by Cali Lewis, it’s a 3-5 minute update on the latest tech news.
This Week in Tech - famous tech vidcast by Leo Laporte, one of the most viewed vidcasts in the world.
The Broken - tech show for teh 1337 h4×0rz.
Digg Podcasts - a long list of popular podcasts, containing most of the vidcasts on this list and many more.

Video mashups

Virtual Video Map

Virtual Video Map - YouTube videos on a Google map. Find out where do all those cool videos come from.
RealPeopleStuff - a site that combines CraigsList and YouTube, offering video clips related to ads.
TagTV - enter a tag and get results from Flickr and YouTube. Clean and simple design makes TagTV a very neat way to browse photos and videos.
I Love Music Video - combines YouTube with info from your Last.FM account. Great way to get videos (at least until Last.FM signs an evil deal with all those content providers and starts offering music videos).
MusicPortl - information on bands and musicians containing biographies, Flickr images, related blog posts and YouTube videos.
Magg - aggregates videos from several video sites. Also works as a search engine.
RateMyDanceMoves - Hot or Not-style site, presenting you dance-related YouTube videos to vote on.
ReviewTube - a site that enables you to add captions to YouTube videos. Nice idea, but relatively poor execution - the captions frequently overlap, making the text unreadable.

Mobile video apps


Youtube mobile - a stripped down version of YouTube tailored for use on mobile phones.
Shozu - a free service for your phone that makes it easy to send and receive photos, videos and music
Abazab - a universal video player that also works on your mobile phone.
Srobbin Mobile Video - An unofficial search for Google video on your cell phone.
Yahoo Mobile - Yahoo mobile allows you to search, find, and play videos right on your cell phone.
MobiTV - MobiTV allows you to watch television video from popular networks of all kinds.
MTV Mobile Video - Anything MTV related all for download to watch on your cell phone.
ESPN MVP - If you are a Verizon Wireless customer and have the V Cast service enabled, you can watch sports clips and more.
Moblr - Moblr allows you to view videos uploaded to the site directly on your cell phone.
Mobunga - This site allows you to download videos to your mobile phone, as well as iPod and PSP.

Video search


Blinkx - Perform searches within the most popular video networks, such as CBS, Reuters and CNN. Users can search for content and create TV channels that splice relevant content together.
PureVideo - Search within the most popular video directories and video sharing sites. PureVideo features up to six channels and each channel contains about six source sites.
SearchVideo - Search engine and directory created by AOL. Users can also search within specific video channels like MySpace and YouTube.
Search For Video - search engine and video directory that displays results from hundreds of video channels. Search For Video also provides an add-on for Firefox.
Yahoo! Video Search - Yahoo! has a video search engine that gathers videos from Yahoo! directory and from many other online sources. You can also search within specific domains or sites.
TubeSurf - Video search engine that gathers results from popular video directories, such as YouTube, Yahoo! Video, MySpace and Google Video. TubeSurf is also available as an add-on for Firefox.
ClipRoller - Search across popular video sites, such as: YouTube, Metacafe and more. As you continue to search for videos, ClipRoller learns your preferences and delivers content you like to watch.
Pixsy - A video search engine that lets users search content across dozens of video sites. Users are allowed to save searches and single videos.
ScoopVid - Search engine that enables you to either search for videos or browse through channels and categories.
Google Video Search - Google’s Video search recently was updated and now searches many video sites other than just YouTube and Google Video.
AOL Video - once known as the great media search engine, the AOL-purchased SingingFish, AOL Video kept some traits of the crowd’s favorite place to look for hard to find videos, but true fans claim that the site is not as good as its predecessor.
Truveo - Search videos or browse by either channel or category.
Altavista Video - good old Altavista isn’t what it used to be, but it does have a video search section.

Online video downloading services


VideoRonk - Search and download your favorite videos from YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, DailyMotion, iFilm, MySpace, Vimeo, Blip.tv, Revver and more.
VideoDL - Download online videos available on YouTube, Google Video and Break.com stright to your computer.
Vixy - Grab videos from popular sites and convert them into various video formats (including iPod and PSP).
KeepVid - Download videos from many video sharing sites, including YouTube, Google Video, MySpace Videos, DailyMotion, Blip.tv, Revver and other services.
VideoDownloader - Get videos from video sharing sites. VideoDownloader is also available as a Firefox extension, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it within your browser.
YouTubeX - Download videos from YouTube. It doesn’t have a lot of options in terms of video sites among which you could choose, but it is very easy to use.
DownThisVideo - This site lets you download videos from YouTube, GoogleVideo, MetaCafe, Vimeo and other services.
KissYouTube - A service that provides two interesting and effective ways to download videos from YouTube.
YouTubeDownloads - Another site that lets you download videos exclusively from YouTube (other sites are not supported).
Kcoolonline - Download videos on your hard disk from more than 90 sites, including YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, iFilm and MySpace, Yahoo and many more.
YouTubia - A YouTube clone that lets you download and save YouTube videos within your IE or Firefox browser.
MediaConverter - A platform that lets you download and convert videos straight from YouTube.

Miscellaneous tools


Hellodeo - Record videos from your webcam and post them on any web page.
Flikzor - Send and receive video comments on your profile, blog and more.
Flixn - Record a video message right in the web browser and share anywhere including MySpace and eBay.
GabMail - Service that enable users to send unlimited numbers of free video email messages.
Bubble Guru - A site for recording webcam video messages and getting them onto your website or sending to others.
CamTwist - Software package (for Mac computers) that lets you add special effects to your video chats.
WebcamMax - Software that lets you add videos, screen, pictures, flash and effects to virtual or real webcam and broadcast on all messengers (Windows
StumbleUpon Video - Just press “Stumble!” and a random video is presented to you, you can also ask for random videos with in categories like Humor, or Cats.
CrowdRules - video answers to your questions.
ClipSync - interact with other users while watching the same video as them.
ClipSyndicate - publish broadcast quality news on your web site.
Broadbandsports - a big collection of sports-related videos.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

create a curved photo effect using Adobe Photoshop.

Here is a free Adobe Photoshop video tutorial that will show you how to quickly and easily make you photos look more interesting by create a curved photo effect using Adobe Photoshop.
Tip 1:- While playing click the far right button of the player to select full screen mode for better viewing.
Tip 2:- Use the pause and rewind features if you are finding it hard to keep up with the tutor. Find more FREE video tutorials at http://www.luv2help.com

Saturday, June 30, 2007

And so it begins

My god what have we done !!!
In our infinite wisdom and ignorance. We have started Aidan down the dark and winding path into the sub culture of the Boarders. Perhaps we should call him Aidan Boarder.
Aidan successfully completed Grade 1, apparently there was a 3 hr exam. And a 500 hundred word essay. Man the demands on Grade 1ers have gotten tougher. SO he's going to Grade 2 next year.
In his words "grade is harder because you have to to take away, adding to is EASY taking away is hard-right shane"
I'm going to guess this is some form of high level calculus or trig. Something I failed horribly.

So as a reward for his achievement we got him a skateboard. As you can tell he's quite happy about all this.
Now we're forced into learning a whole new language.
Anyone have any idea what an "olly" is or what a "kick flip" is.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Paris Hilton in Jail video

Paris hilton in jail video

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Brian Murray Named G.M of the Ottawa Senators

Brian Murray Named G.M of the Ottawa Senators
From Melnyk: "Bryan shares our focus and drive on building a championship team in Ottawa," "His combined 25 years of NHL experience as a coach and general manager was something we simply could not overlook as we build for the future."
Just a handful of days after being named the seventh general manager in Ottawa Senators history, Bryan Murray will look to build towards the future when he makes player selections at the 2007 NHL Entry Draft this weekend.
Photo: T. Anderson/OSHC
Any one have any picks, or think anyone should go?
I think Schubert and Phillips need to go Both have not performed or even scored this year, well Phillips did ON US that is

Tuesday, June 19, 2007



1. Open up FF click into the Firefox address location bar, and type about:config , press Enter.

2. The "Config" file will appear in the Firefox browser as a page withhundreds of lines of code in it. Now, we start by enabling someadvanced tabbed options:

3. Locate the line browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs . (tip: press "b" on your keyboard to quick scroll).

4. Double click on browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs . Thiswill set its toggle to "true". Now your advanced and enhanced tabbingshould be set.

5. Next: we will increase the "pipeline" RAM ability for Firefox toaccomodate more packet transfer. In the same config document, scrolldown to the line that says network.http.pipelining . Double click thisline to set it to "true".

6. Lastly, we will increase the maximum pipeline requests to 100.Find the line that says network.http.pipelining.maxrequests . Doubleclick on it, and a dialog box will pop up. Change the setting from 4 to100.

7. No need to save this file. Simply close and restart Firefox, andyou should see an immediate 10% to 40% increase in web page transferspeed, and faster opening of your tabbed windows! Enjoy!


How To Download from a paypal site without paying a penny

Download from a paypal site without paying a penny

Just a little basic html tip for those who are trying to download an application from sites which has an paypal order page & link tostart you off.

Use a proxy when you try this to hide your ip as some sites will record your ip when you connect for security.

1) Rightclick your mouse (ctrl+click) viewsource and open the source of the site in an a texteditor
2) Search for the word "return"
3) Next to it you can find the url for the thank you page
4) Copy the url and paste it in your browser and you will see the download link

This works only if you can download instantly after payment, it will not work if the link needs to be emailed to you.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Top ten Canadian Euphemisms for SEX

Top Ten Canadian Euphemisms for SEX
While searching Godaddy.com for a domain name to buy this afternoon, Im thinking about switching from blogger to wordpress with my own domain name.
I have hosting for another website of mine, (making money blogging) I use host gator, very relaible, one click wordpress install, unlimited email and other domains, all for the very low low price of like 7 bux.month.
Anyhoo so i was searching godaddy.com for a new domain name.
I was thinking along the lines of something canadian-ish, you know being that i'm a patriot and all that. SO I searched google for Canadian euphemisms. look what I found.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why do we teach our children to kill?

Why do we teach our children to kill?
The dictionary defines infant this way:

The word Infant derives from the Latin in-fans, meaning unable to speak. It is commonly used as a slightly more formal word for baby (the youngest category of child). A newborn infant is known as a neonate (neonatal) after the final stage of gestation.

And yet infant is the base root word for the word infantry

Is it me or is this way of it. Raise our children in a world gone mad by its parents. Then teach them to go and kill other children and their parents. When will our children stop being made accountable for the sins of their parents.

If we think about the vast majority of human problems.
Both on a personal level and on a world wide scale, it seems that they stem from from an inability to FEEL SINCERELY involved with others, and to put ourselves in their place.
Violence is inconceivable if everyone is genuinely concerned with the happiness of others.

Star Wars: Spectacular High Resolution Galaxy Map

Admittedly I am a Star Wars Geek. And I say it proudly.
Vive La Force.
This A.M while I was surfing Digg to see whats up and whats news and I came across this great posting.
All you Star Wars Fans are gonna love this.
Haven't you ever wondered where all the planets and galaxies in the Star Wars movies are in relation to each other. (probably not - I'm a geek I know). Chek out the Star Map below for a lay out of the Star Wars Universe.

Click on the picture for the full shot.
I think this is just wicked. And man it must have taken a dogs age to get done.

The Star Wars Galaxy Map was first published in Issue One of The Official Star Wars Fact File in 2002; and then later republished in Issue 65 of the Star Wars Insider, which was released in February 2003.


Friday, June 15, 2007

FINGER ELEVEN, MATT MAYS & EL TORPEDO And MOBILE IN CONCERT! at The Hope volley ball tournament

Alcatel-Lucent HOPE Volleyball SummerFest & LiVE 88.5 present FINGER ELEVEN, MATT MAYS & EL TORPEDO And MOBILE IN CONCERT!

Saturday, July 14 | Mooney's Bay Beach

It's official! Finger Eleven, Matt Mays & El Torpedo & Mobile are headlining the Alcatel-Lucent HOPE Volleyball SummerFest’s silver anniversary event July 14th at Mooney’s Bay Beach in the all-new Rogers Amphitheatre!

These three phenomenal headlining bands will play to a crowd already warmed up by three top notch local acts each fresh from winning The LiVE 88.5 Big Money Shot competition: Tim’s Myth, Loudlove, and perennial SummerFest favourite, Donkeypunch!


Tickets are $25 in advance, available for purchase at www.capitaltickets.ca or by calling 613.599.3267

Click HERE to buy your tickets NOW!

As always, concert tickets are included with event registration. Team berths and concert tickets for this annual sell-out event are expected to be an even hotter commodity this year. Make sure to get your concert tickets early!

This year though concert-goers will enjoy some awesome changes to the stage layout at the beach! For their 25th anniversary bands will play in the newly announced Rogers Amphitheatre.
The new layout for the world’s largest beach volleyball tournament and rock concert allows for more volleyball, more music, and more fun. After more than $6 million in financial aid to local charities and a quarter century of volunteerism, the HOPE planning committee is pulling out all the stops to make its silver anniversary bash one for the record books!

After a national tour with The Black Crowes; after winning four East Coast Music Awards; and after four continuous years of touring the length and breadth of Canada; Matt Mays & El Torpedo arrives at the Rogers Amphitheatre stage this summer with a list of hits including “Cocaine Cowgirl” and “On the Hood.”

For its part, Finger Eleven comes to SummerFest in support of its fourth disc, Them vs. You vs. Me and its hit single Paralyzer. Music for the album is amassed from more than 100 songs written, merged, deleted and recorded by the band over the last 18 months in locations across Canada including the back of the tour bus.

Montreal band Mobile also take the stage on July 14th, fresh off a win at the 2007 Juno Awards for New Group of the Year. Their debut disc, Tomorrow Starts Today, released in April includes such hits as "Out of my Head" and "See Right Through Me".
Source: Live 885

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Computer bits and bytes

Computer bits and bytes
Anyone looking to make a franken box?

Holy crap I was just looking for something and went into an storage box I have here, WOW do I ever have alot of misc computer bits and bytes.
Seriously you should see all the extra computer hardware and computer software I have.
here is just a smattering of the software I have.
Paint shop pro 8.
Various modems and other types of computer hard ware drivers.

I have Diamond Viper drivers LOL windows 98 2nd edition with full cd key.
I have microsoft office 2000 pro version.
I think it maybe a pirated version I may have gotten from someone , cant be sure on that though.

Geebers man its nuts when you go through it all isnt it.

I have computer cables
and sound cards,
modem cards.
Usb converter adapters thingys.
Usb cables,
I have webcams
I have a hard drive
I have some ram.

If anyone is looking to make a franken box let me know I may be able to help you out there for a small fee of course.

Always willing get unload some extraneous computer hardware I have lying around

Ottawa's West Fest

This afternoon we took a trip down to Westboro for the annual West Fest Festival?, I dont know if you call it that or not.
WESTFEST, Ottawa's newest large-scale festival, is a diverse three-day celebration that includes music, visual, literary, dance, spoken word, and performance art.
Festival activities will take place on Richmond Road, between Tweedsmuir and Golden Avenues on Friday, June 8, Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10, 2007. WESTFEST is FREE!

And of course snapped off a few Pictures of our little monster running wild and some others of the West in general. You know just some sights of Ottawa's westend west fest.
If you're ever in Westboro you have to check out some of the Great Murals. I took this one because well, Aidan likes Skate Boarding right now. I suspect he'll be a big time ottawa skate boarder.

Lord Help us, Greenday blasting loudly in the house. Oh well.

There's a cool little bike shop on the corner of Richmond road and Churchill, cant say I know what It's called though, anyways they have just coolest bikes.
I like this one in particular because it has a Star Bucks carrier.
What a Clever Idea HUH!!
Fitting too because there's a Star Bucks just up the road.
Whats neat about these bikes is they're so Retro.
Very 1950's with the flashy gaudy colours.

Heres another shot I was trying to get artsy with it.
I just love the tires, ya that's it I love the tires.
We were down there Oh I'd say Mid-afternoonish.
So we didn't really to get see much in the way of bands or music for that matter I'm guessing all the best bits take place Friday and Saturday night.
According to my parents thats when the livelier parts of Westfest are.
They live in Westboro, just a block up the road from the big bandshell.
Speaking of bands Bluesfest is coming up isn't it!!
Heres a link to the performers for this years Bluesfest

New Social media sharing sites

The great thing about the Internet is that new things come along all the time.

Every great discovery or tool seems to spawn at least two new things to go along with it.
In fact, the world of "cool tools" grows daily and keeping up can represent a real challenge.
The following 3 tools rate a closer look if you want to save time and avoid effort in a big way.

** Clipmarks.com **

Ever seen something extremely cool online that you wanted to pass along to a friend, but you didn't see an easy way to do it?
Maybe you wanted to pass along a web page or share specific text from a site, but copying and pasting into an email just wouldn't do it justice.

Or perhaps you saw a video that needed a friend's attention, but you couldn't download it.
Or maybe you just saw something cool and wanted to save it for yourself, but didn't have an easy way to archive the material.

Well log on to ClipMarks.com, download the browser toolbar (available for FireFox and Internet Explorer) and start clipping!

Clipmarks makes it easy to select snippets of text (up to 1000 characters), pictures, and more and then email them to a friend, print them, or even post them to your blog.
What makes this little tool so cool is that it's so versatile and easy to use.
I call it a "head slapper" because you want to slap your head and say, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Clipmarks also helps when you surf around the Web and want to collect up ideas on a certain topic or research subject and then store them in an organized fashion to review and
sort through later.

** UStream.tv **

Turn your computer, Internet connection and webcam into a live TV station that can broadcast in real time to hundreds of people all at the same time.

Currently available for free, this service allows you to log in and start broadcasting to the world.

UStream.tv can make a great tool for everything from holding a family meeting to doing question and answer sessions with customers and prospects.

Now, before you start threatening Walter Cronkite's iconic status in TV history, understand that, though the technology rates high on the "cool" scale, the audio and video does not
rival TV quality.

The audio jumps and the video can cut in and out, but, if you have any experience with online video, the quality may actually surprise you by how well it can stream to large
numbers of people.

** TubesNow.com **

Ever tried to send huge files as attachments through email only to have your email time out, your attachment get blocked by a firewall, or your message just plain disappear from the face of the earth.

Well now you can use a free program called "Tubes" to establish a secure connection between your computer and a friend or business associate.
Once you open up a tube (peer-to-peer connection) between your two computers, you can transfer files simply by dragging and dropping.
Just a few of the cool new New Social media sharing sites

Why are some people getting rich selling their ebooks? Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale have created the *ultimate* guide "How to Write and Publish your own Outrageously Profitable eBook... in as little as 7 Days!"
check out The seven day ebook

Monday, May 21, 2007

Thanks to face book I'm 4 steps away from World Domination

Last night Gill and I were sitting talking about all the crazy-ness surrounding Facebook.
You know, we were laughing about how many people she has been able to find, either by just looking on facebook or by surfing other facebook profiles for people. Then something dawned on me.
Looking at facebook profiles and just how many people are now on facebook.
I had this crazy Idea!
I know many of you have heard the term 6 degrees of separation. SO I decided to see how it applies to facebook and life in general.
To the left is a picture of just one of my connections.
Mind you I some how doubt that the Prime Minister of Canada has a facebook profile, nor do any of the other world leaders. But it is an interesting relationship, Don't ya think.
How it works is like this, and I may not have the whole flow chart thing done incorrectly to accurately illustrate the relationships. But here it is in my terms.
I know gill,
who knows michelle and tim
who know jay and deb
who are the photographers for the PM
who is connected to every other world leader.
So I'm like 4 degrees of separation from Complete World Domination, Pretty cool HUH !!!
Thanks to facebook
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