We're being ripped off by the oil companies
Well it looks like gas prices are on the rise again.... Go figure. Esso has a fire at a one of their distribution centers and everyone else profiteers from it.
Yes we all know we're being ripped off.
But you would think the Government would step up to the plate and enforce the other stations to keep their prices in line.
BUT NOOOOOOOOO why would they , they're making a freeking killing of of the gas taxes we're paying them. Only to have them squander it on the latest bit of non-sense (but that's another posting for another day).
So last night on my way home the Mr Gas was flogging gas at 99.6/litre. According to ottawa gas prices.com
The highest gas price in the city is the Shell at Greenbank and Iris at a whopping 101.1/litre.
Give me a freeking break!!!
So I have a question for you:
At what price point are you just going to say enough is enough and not drive your car or gas guzzling S.U.V to work or the corner store.
I'm thinking I'm taking the bus starting next week. I'm fed up with being ripped off by the monopoly this country has on oil.
According the bloomberg.com/energy The price of a barrel is sitting at 61.64/barrel.
It's funny because for the past year I have noticed that if you add 30 to the price of the barrel you get approximately the price at the pump. Try it an you'll see that I'm not usually too far off of the mark. With the exception this past week of esso having a fire.
Do you think the gas prices are out of whack?
Do you think we're getting shellacked by our govt?
What do you think we can or should do about it?