The Diet coke and mentos Experiment
Gotta love what dorks do to themselves. Good thing I saw the final out because I was seriously considering trying this for my lil monster. You know to give him a gag. Pardon the pun
Gotta love what dorks do to themselves. Good thing I saw the final out because I was seriously considering trying this for my lil monster. You know to give him a gag. Pardon the pun
Posted by
9:33 PM
Nelson and Colin's wedding was yesterday!
The picture is kind of bad. Must of been the humidity!
The gang from scissors was there as were the families and all the friends !!
The part happened back at the novotel. Unfortunately the pictures of those are just black. Guess gill forgot the flash for indoor settings. Silly girl.
It think this would be the 3rd or 4rth gay wedding in Ottawa? Not too sure actually.
It actually co-incides with gay pride day the parade kick off was last night. SO that would make the parade today.
From what gill says Nelson and Colin are going to be on a float? Ok I stand corrected the parade is next week. And They've been asked to be at the front of the parade.
Sad really that there's such a stigma and over blown over politicized view of the gay community. Nelson and Colin are great people!!!
Posted by
11:14 AM
Ok so this morning i woke up a little late its already 7 am and im still not ready to go. gill is just drying her hair, aidan is just getting up to. nice way to start the morning isnt it. Gonna be late for today. Oh well. So here I sit slurping on a java and I look at my coffee cup.
Here's what it says:
The prayer of Jabez
"Oh that you (yea) cant tell it's kind of scratched out. would wonderfully bless me
and HELP ME in my work
please BE WITH ME in ALL that I do
and KEEP ME from ALL evil and disaster
And GOD granted him his request.
Kind of funny aint it.
I think Im going to need some devine intervention today to make it through today.
Posted by
4:01 AM
And this is nelson and christopher.
Love the shades dude !!!
So their wedding (not nelson and christopher), but nelson and colin, is this weekend. August 19 06.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Finally the heat has let up!!
I actually had to wear a sweater last night. Weird I know but i was chilly.
You're going to hate me for saying this but I think that Fall is on its way!
I love the fall!!. I love the summer too ,don't get me wrong, but the humidity is just aweful. Really it is. Everything and everybody sweats. Tempers flare. Its just bad all around isnt it. I suspect how ever that we're in for another heat wave.
You know there has got to be a place on planet earth where the weather is a constant 18-25 degrees. How did you deal with the heat and humidity?
Posted by
5:44 AM
As promised from a prior posting here's the recipe for our infamous Lemon Bomb Martini
Rim the glass with a piece of Lemon.
Dip the glass in Sugar.
2 lemons squeezed (freshly)
2 Shots of vodka
2 tablespoons of sugar.
Mine is pink because my gilfriend is playing with my head.
It should be yellow!!
Posted by
3:03 PM
The Busker festival is in Ottawa this long weekend. It's Colonel by day apparently.
Good enough reason for a holiday I suppose!! Theres a wide array of performers from all over the planet performing their tricks and acts for the public on the Sparks Street mall here in Ottawa.
The guy on the left there is from San francisco California !! Pretty cool huh!!! I cant say I caught his name, though he was pretty good !!!
This pair of acrobats are from Japan! They performed a great act of balance and shows of strength.
You can't tell from the photo here but the tiny little japanese girl perched perilously on top of her counter parts hands is just cut muscle and sinew.
They also did this awesome rope twirling act with balls on the end of the rope as well as using some kids shoes from the audience. Nothing like audience particip-action. I'll post the majority of the photos to my Flickr account. For your viewing pleasure. Oh there some other gems in there. Last I checked. Ok back to the show !!!
These Guys and gals? Didnt catch where they were from!!
Very reminicent of STOMP but with brooms, what a great Idea !!!
I wonder if they do apt cleaning!!
I came towards the end of their show. Shux !!! guess it all worked out, wouldnt want my girlriend to think "real men use brooms"
Posted by
1:25 PM
SO there I was, just minding my own business in the pool when all of a sudden WHAMMO I'm getting hauled out on a stretcher spinal (tap) back board and getting first aid by some pool dudes and dudettes. Who would have known!!!
No seriously. They were doing a drill and happened to pick me as the victim for their pool clearing and first aid excercise. Was fun ... sort of.
See the story goes like this. I was sunning myself with my girlfriend. (wish I were drinking lemon drop martini's, I'll get the recipe and for a future posting) And two of the lifeguards approach me to ask if I would like to participate in a drill (cute but way young).
Simple enough and I'm always willing to help out!! Hey I'm a canuck its what we do, I was instructed to go dive off of the diving board at 3:10 pm. and play dead in the pool. Umm ok play dead in water? hahahaha ok Im a dork and agreed to this.
So thats what I did. Dove off of the board and started "floating" face down.
While Im doing this I'm hoping all the guards are in on this shenanigan. NOT. I freeking flaundered there as long as I could hold my breath for then came up for air a few times. It wasn't until my girlfriend yelped "LIFE GAURD" that they jumped into action.
Hahahah what a drama I put on though, struggling for air and slapping at the water.
Was all in good fun and it was a helpful drill for them. Next time ? maybe not though...
Posted by
2:28 PM
Not off to the cottage this weekend, unfortunately. We got stuck in town for the long weekend this time 'round. However we did get to go check out the busker festival here in ottawa too bad I was an idiot and didnt get any pictures of the Japanese Samurai busker dude. "its AMAZING" was his coined phrase with a heavy Japanese accent of course.
So it looks like were heading off to the local community pool with the Monster.
It always makes for an interesting time. He has a flare for the ladies. (atta boy) You'll always find him floating about near a hottie. G/f is gonna hate me for writing this but it is TRUE.
Right at the moment we're sitting for a friend of ours (another 5 yr old boy and his sister) so its freaking insane here at the moment. Thank god we're getting them out of the house this afternoon or I'd wind up hiding the store room behind our winter tires. With a case of beer for good measure.
Well we're out for the afternoon. Have a great long weekend everyone.!!
Posted by
9:52 AM