Ok it's common knowledge that we all have some fear, of one sort or another. Real or imagined we all have fears.
For instance I have 2 fairly irrational fears, fear of heights, I think that if i am on a balcony in a building that I am going to spontaneously fly out over the edge and plunge to my death. Seriously I have this bizarre gut feeling that I am just going to somehow fling off into space, weird HUH.
Then there's The fear of flying(more fear of falling out of the sky in a plane one fire - but that's another story) and electricity, well more getting electrocuted. Ok that was 3.
So I figured I'd layout some of the more common fobias here.
Spiders: Arachnephobia
People and social situations (weird but ok) Anthrophobia
Flying: Aerophobia
Open spaces: Agorafobia
Confined spaces: (stuck in a closet anyone?) Claustrophobia
Vomitting?: Emetobphobia
Heights ( I can relate) Acrophobia
Thunderstorms: Brontophobia Death: Necrophobia
Cancer: Carcinomaphobia
Now for some of the more bizarre Phobias
Ants: Who the hell is that afraid of ants? Myrmecophobia
Bathing: Now I know why some people on the bus are just smelly... Ablutophobia
Beards: Ok my Girlfriend hates my stubble, maybe its Pogonophobia
Chickens: Now this is funny, isnt being afraid coined being "a chicken" Alektorophobia
Chins?: Ok this is just silly, but fair enough... Geniophobia
Dolls: Yeah I get this one, I think dolls just look evil that and clowns, God I think clowns are weird and evil looking So fear of dolls is called Pediophobia
Flutes: Aulophobia
Frogs: (french people? does this count?)Batrachophobia
Going to bed: seriously you have some bad issues.Clinophobia
Knees: Genuphobia
Mirrors: Eisotrophobia
Paper: Papyrophobia
Slime: Stay out the government or lawyers offices? Blennophobia
Teeth: Odontophobia